Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Bird Adaptations

Little Blue Heron 
Claw--  Wading, long and slender legs with three toes pointed forward and one pointed backward
Wings--"Slow, Flapping" Wing, long and slender, shape is good for long flights 
Beak--Striking Beak, pointed beaks useful for catching prey

Bald Eagle
Claw-- Catching Prey, raptorial arrangement which is three talons pointed forward and one backward
Wings--"Soaring" wing, long but broad and fat, shape to catch thermals, "finger feathers"
Beak--Tearing, sharp, hooked beaks used to pierce and tear food

Barn Swallow
Claw--Perching claws, arisodactyl arrangement which is three toes pointed forward and one backward, small and no feathers 
Wings--"High- Speed Maneuverability" wing, long, narrow and angled that enables fast movements
Beak--Picking beak, short, slender and tweeze-like beak that enables food to be picked off the ground or air fast

Arizona Woodpecker
Claw--Climbing, zygodactyl arrangement which is toes toes pointed forward and two backward.
Wings-- "High- Speed Maneuverability" wing, long, narrow and angled
Beak--Drilling, strong and sturdy, with a chisel-like tip for drilling holes in wood

Blue- Throated Humming Bird 
Claw--Perching claws, arisodactyl arrangement which is three toes pointed forward and one backward
Wings-- "High- Speed Maneuverability" wing, long, narrow and angled
Beak--Sipping, long, needle-like beaks they use to probe deep into flower, used to "dip and sip"

Claw--  Swimming, webbed feet to help swim in water, palmate
Wings-- "Long- Distance Flyer' wing, long, narrow, pointed wings
Beak--Straining, broad, flat beaks

As the environments of birds change so does the birds itself in order to survive. With the change in food and environment come a need for the birds to adapt to the changes in order to live and make their species grow. For example the beaks of humming birds changed due to the abundant amount of flowers growing in their habitat. With a need of a food source, the beaks of hummingbirds evolved and adapted to the habitat by allowing the beak to become more thin and able to drink the nectar of flowers. Birds evolve in their wings, feet and beaks due to a change in their environment and isolation. Reproductive, behavioral and geographic isolation also lead to more bird diversity. Adaptations are needed if any change occurs so that a specific bird can survive.

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